Saturday, November 14, 2009

I'm still loving you, like it was the first time

I'm still loving you, like it was the first time
I'm still loving you, like it was the first time
I'm still loving you, like it was the first time
I'm still loving you, like it was the first time
I'm still loving you, like it was the first time
I'm still loving you, like it was the first time
I'm still loving you, like it was the first time
I'm still loving you, like it was the first time

1 comment:

  1. me too...
    i's still loving him, like it was the first time...
    i hope that he can be my last...
    will he be my last??
    after the BAD guy, i dont believe "forever" le...
    but why now i hope that i can tell him: i love him forever??
    p/s: dont misunderstand ooo..this guy is not the BAD guy...^^
